Saturday, December 15, 2012

Jumping on the Bandwagon

I'm a thrifty girl. You'll never hear me bragging about how much I've spent on something, but I'll tell you all day long how much money I saved. I refuse to pay full price. I want to continue that but toss in some other ways to save while also reducing the number of chemicals/toxins in our house...the homemade laundry detergents that are all the rage on Pinterest and elsewhere right now is my next project to tackle. Fewer chemicals AND saving money?? YES PLEASE!!

One of the homemade products I've already tried and successfully used for almost 2 years now is my homemade pupper shampoo. (Yes pupper=dog)  I've even bottled & sold it before! A few have asked about the vinegar-y smell but once your pup is rinsed you'll barely even notice it. There are LOTS of recipes out there but this is the one I've liked the best. Oh and just so you know, this isn't a super sudsy shampoo but it does a great job of getting my little Romeo clean!

So here it is...

1 c Ivory dish soap
1 c apple cider vinegar
3/4 c distilled water
1/4 c glycerin

Use a funnel to pour these items into a jar with a tight lid and SHAKE!! 

I wish I could remember where I originally found this recipe to give credit where due but when I did a search this same recipe came up under several sites. I did see this explanation on a Yahoo site as to why this shampoo works...

Creating the Best Homemade Dog Shampoo for your Pup  "It Works! The dish soap serves the basic purpose of loosening and cleaning off the dirt on your pup! The apple cider serves two purposes. The first is to bring the dish soap to a proper ph level. Second it clears up that unpleasant dog smell and repels fleas. The glycerin moisturizes your dog's skin. Moisturized skin is less itchy!"

So there you have borrowed recipe for pup shampoo! Let me know how it works for you!!