Monday, May 14, 2012

Make-Me-Over Monday!!

As many of you already know I love taking something old or ugly and turning it in to something fun & funky! I'm hoping to start this feature on a regular basis, especially now that garage sale season is in full swing. Today's project was a fairly simple one...paint and some fabric and a few embellishments to funk it up a bit.

A wonderful friend was having a garage sale last week and it was within walking distance. Always a good thing when on a tight budget...I wouldn't be able to carry a lot home so hopefully I wouldn't buy a lot. A strong theory but where there's a will, there's a way...and a truck right around the corner. This time it all worked out though. My only purchase was this well used $2 bulletin board...

A little bland for my taste but the cork still had plenty of life! I didn't know what my plans were for it but I had some ideas right away.

I checked out my paint & fabric stash and got to work. There were a few imperfections in the frame due to it's age but I used the embellishments to hide those as well as a little goof or too by me. I learned a few lessons in this project but overall I'm happy with the makeover!

The bottom part is chalkboard paint so there's plenty of space for both thumb-tacked notes and quick reminders!

Happy Make-Me-Over it's time to do the housework I've avoided all day to finish this up!

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