Thursday, November 8, 2012

One Day off Just Isn't Enough

What's that phrase...A bad day of crafting is still better than a good day at work? Yeah, something like that!

I usually wind up with one day each week completely free of any of my jobs and it's usually Thursdays. That's also my unshare day with their dad so I technically have between the hours of 9 and 3 to cram in all those mommy jobs and crafting that I can so believe me, when I mess something up and have to start over IT. KILLS. ME.

Today definitely started out that way. Wanted to try sewing some reusable hand warmers for stocking stuffers but I made the mistake of using flannel. It frays. Badly. I tried to take the easy way out & just zigzag the edges instead of sewing them inside out & blah blah blah. BUT the fabric frayed away from the stitching as soon as I got it done. Then I made a complete mess attempting to get the rice into the uncutesy little heart pouch. So...project scrapped. Rice everywhere.

Take Two...I've got a special order for a small canvas. It's the owl one on my Facebook page, Blissfully Chaotic Boutique. It's 5x7 on the page but I didn't have enough of the lettering I used the first time. The new lettering (which I LOVE) is bigger & when I tried to fit it all onto the canvas it just didn't work. SCRAPPED!! Contacted the client & offered the larger size so the paint is drying on it now!

Attempted to do some cleaning to rid my mind of these small failures and made some pumpkin bread. Ready for another shot at some projects while Facebooking & Pinteresting in between. Still a way better day than going to the J-O-B though!

"What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail??"  I usually know I'll screw up once or twice but I just keep going!!

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