Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Can You Say Addicted??

I've been a member of Pinterest for a few months now. I avoided it for a loooooooong time because I knew what it would do to my already lacking time management. Unfortunately one day, I caved. How amazing is that world?? I could spend hours but have been disciplined enough to limit the categories I'll look at and my main page only comes up to the the "Pinners You Follow" section. Heaven forbid, I open the site to the plethora of delightful images. I know the limits of my ADD mind, and they cannot handle those endless possibilities. My children would be left to fend for themselves, and I'd fall off the face of this earth.

Check out what I've pinned! Some of the crafty projects are actually some I've seen in the past and have attempted on my own. I've only stepped in to the posting puddle with one toe as I've put just one of my own projects on display. As I start to review past creations for this blog, I'm sure I'll be brave enough to post more of my own pictures.

In the meantime, one of the more interesting baked goods I've found on Pinterest lately is a cupcake that includes a brownie layer on the bottom. The blogger actually made hers "neopolitan" style with the chocolate, a layer of strawberry cake and vanilla frosting on the top. I'm going with a chocolatey pepperminty combo when I finally get the energy to bake the 4 dozen cupcakes the recipe yields.

Time for dinner then off to retrieve the heathens from their dads to hang out til bedtime. Then it's off to the land of the jolly green people with orange hats as I do what it takes to make that dolla dolla!! Enjoy =)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Reliving Recent Projects

I've spend the last several months combing the internet for new projects and trying some new things. I've developed a total love for mason jars, especially the vintage blue tinted ones!!

I imagine these lining a beach walkway leading to the water, glowing on a summer evening. Or around a gazebo as friends and family gather at dusk. While I've seen luminaries that use candles, on this particular project I used the tops of the solar lights that are sold at WalMart and other mass retailers. They fit perfectly on top of the jar and I didn't have to worry about the kids around the candles! I wasn't thrilled with the other decorative features I added to these particular jars but was looking for something that looked cheery during the daytime. There are definitely changes I'll make next time but maybe when I finally have that house in the country I'll have these everywhere along my big front porch and down by the pond.

See what I mean?? Not digging the decorations. But totally love the way the light reflects on the desk through the vintage lace. This was my first attempt. I learned some lessons but love the basic idea!

2012...BRING IT!

Have done horribly at this but I am ready to do this thing! Lots going on in the life of Chaos. Had to close the retail location but I've gotten a full time job in order to get things back on track!

So many new and exciting things I want to do this year and growing this blog is one of them so...stay tuned!!