Saturday, March 31, 2012

And so on it goes...

It's incredible really. Sometimes I'm just not sure how I remember to put my underwear on each day. And I sometimes wonder how it is that getting dressed every morning is something that no matter what, I will eventually follow through on. It's one of the few projects I start and actually finish every day. None of my household chores can say that. It takes me a few days at least to do one round of dishes. Laundry never gets done all the way, start to finish, before another pile has built up. And so this blog goes...I have grand schemes of making it a fun and frequent way to write about my life, my creations-both successful and flops, and many other topics that inspire me. You may not enjoy all of my posts or any of them at all but I would at least like to say that I've followed through and made a habit of writing. We'll see how this round turns out =)

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