Sunday, August 28, 2011

Happy Happy Sunday

It's a gorgeous morning so far...hard to believe that several hundred miles from here Hurricane Irene has been spreading her destruction through the night.

Been busy this week...finally getting the last of the little stuff put away in the new place, the 2 older kids started school and I've been getting little bits & pieces of time to start working on some more projects. One was an EPIC FAIL!!! I bought some peaches at the local farm on wheels and was very excited about trying a peach cobbler in the crock pot. I made the mistake of wanting to cook it overnight since 11:00 pm is when I get all my great inspiration. Unfortunately, I didn't wake up until it was burnt!! I even took a pic but I won't sadden heart was crushed over the loss of that fresh peach, cinnamon-y goodness =(

Also did a little sewing this week...made a cute crayon roll!! Thank you Chocolate on my Cranium for your awesome tutorial!! That was very simple & I thought it came out pretty darn adorable. Going to tweak it a bit and roll some out for Christmas gifts to sell at the shop! Also made another dress out of a cute vintage pillowcase. Has some awesome orangey & turquoise to it!!

The crayon rolls can be made in any fabric/theme!! This particular one holds 16 regular sized crayons but that can be customized too! As you can see with the dress, the little diva did not feel like being photographed and made me show her the picture after I took it to be sure her face wasn't in the shot! I added the embellishments after I had her try it on.

Crazy Nana & Papa Jay are coming to visit today so I get to pick the kids up early!! Lots to do til then (like make Nanner Puddin...mmmm....).

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