Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Two (Ok...3) Ingredients! And Delicious Too!!!

So I've been absolutely craving something that reminded me of fall and have been browsing various blogs for new ideas for the change of season. I came across a blog called The Big Red Kitchen that screamed READ ME!!! Especially since I saw one of her posts was titled Two Ingredient Pumpkin Cake with Apple Cider Glaze...Holy Autumn Batman!! Apple cider brings back amazing childhood memories of trips to the old orchard, picking pumpkins & seeing how cider was made. Definitely a must try for me...

So...I got out my yellow cake mix and my can of pumpkin puree (not pumpkin pie mix) and started researching variations on the recipe on other blogs. Everyone warned that the batter would be extremely thick. Some suggested adding milk but one of course caught my eye...they added apple cider to thin it out a bit! That was the one for me! Got out my stand mixer and went to work. Started with just the 2 ingredients but slowly added in the cider, little bit at a time. All told I was happy with the consistency after adding about a quarter cup.

Plopped the batter in a lined muffin tin, baked about 18 of them at 350 for approximately 18 minutes and enjoyed the aroma! Figured I would have time to glaze them this morning when I got up but of course no...can't have spare time on the first day of school!! Figured I should sample one to see if they just had to have the glaze before bringing them into the shop and the moist & yummy goodness was just fine without for today. Definitely a must for next time though!

Oh yes...if you do choose to do the glaze...all you need is 1 cup confectioner's sugar, 2 T apple cider and 1/2 t pumpkin pie spice. Combine the ingredients, drizzle over the cake (cupcakes, muffins, whatevs!) and let it set before covering.

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