Thursday, September 8, 2011

Balance...Has Anyone Seen Mine??

Whew...what a whirlwind these last few weeks have been. Unbelievably, and sadly I have heathen #3 in kindergarten. You would think that would leave me a little more time but noooooo....the pace has only picked up!! And the shop...well hopefully we are getting ready to dive into a busy season with the town's annual Festifair this Saturday so things are only going to fly from here!!

I felt like I needed to take a few minutes to re-group this morning so I was looking through some of the pages I've bookmarked over the last few months. Sometimes I save them and then never go back to look at what it was I wanted to remember. One of those pages was titled "Zen Habits" on the Gypsy Girls Guide blog. It was awesome reminder of the little things that can be done each day that can make a huge difference! Just thought I'd share it with you...

Appropriate, right?? I'm loving it and even printed it out.

That's my "share" for the day. Just another tool I'm going to attempt to use in order to find the balance of mom, woman, shop diva, and what other roles life throws at us!

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